How much is a house in Iceland in US dollars?

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Sunday, May 5, 2024

Currently, the average residential property in Iceland is between 40 million ISK (US$ 382,500) to 50 million ISK (US$ 478,130).

Is it cheaper to live in Iceland than us?

According to, the cost of living in Iceland is 31.97% higher than in the US. However, rental costs in Iceland are 19.10% lower than in the US.

Is it expensive to buy property in Iceland?

No, the cost of buying and selling real estate in Iceland is relatively low compared to other countries in Europe. The total cost of buying a property in Iceland is about 2% of the purchase price.

Can an American buy a home in Iceland?

Yes, foreigners can buy, lease, and sell properties without restrictions in Iceland. The sale of land to foreigners is prohibited, but the land on which the house stands can be taken on a long-term lease.

Is Iceland cheap or expensive to live in?

Iceland is considered one of the most expensive places in the world to live. Almost everything in Iceland must be imported, leading to higher costs of living.

How much it costs to live in Reykjavik, Iceland (monthly expenses)

The article does not provide specific information on the cost of living in Reykjavik, Iceland. However, Iceland is known to have a high cost of living, especially in the capital city.

What is the downside of living in Iceland?

The downsides of living in Iceland include a limited job market, especially for foreigners, and harsh weather conditions, such as cold and dark winters with limited daylight hours and unpredictable weather patterns.

Is Health Care Free in Iceland?

No, state healthcare in Iceland is not completely free. Healthcare costs are covered by the state through the Icelandic Health Insurance fund, but patient contributions are required. However, patient contributions are capped each month, and once a certain amount is spent, state healthcare becomes free for the rest of the month.

What’s the minimum wage in Iceland?

There is no minimum wage in Iceland.

Can I live in Iceland as a UK citizen?

Yes, UK citizens can legally move to Iceland. EU/EEA citizens can visit without a visa, but staying more than 90 days requires a visa and work/residence permit. Non-EU/EEA citizens will need a visa and the appropriate permits.

What is the average salary in Iceland?

As of July 2020, the average salary in Iceland is 573,000 ISK, which is approximately €3,500 (USD 4,136) at current exchange rates. The mode salary is 473,000 ISK or €2,900, both figures are net.

How cold does it get in Iceland?

In winter, the southerly lowlands of Iceland average around 0°C (32°F), while the north averages around -10°C (14°F). The lowest temperatures in the northern part of the island range from around -25°C to -30°C (-13°F to -22°F). The lowest temperature on record is -39.7°C (-39.5°F).

Is it a good idea to move to Iceland?

Iceland is known for its low crime rate and high level of safety. The country tops the IEP’s Global Peace Index, and children can play outside unsupervised from an early age. However, it’s important to consider factors such as the high cost of living and the limited job market for foreigners.

Can I live in Iceland permanently?

Yes, it is possible to live in Iceland permanently. However, if you don’t have employment before moving, you will need to prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your intended stay.

How much is a house in Reykjavik?

As stated earlier, the average residential property in the capital, Reykjavik, is between 40 million ISK (US$ 382,500) to 50 million ISK (US$ 478,130).

What do homes look like in Iceland?

The architecture of homes in Iceland is mainly low-rise, with many low tower blocks and two- or three-storey buildings with pitched roofs. Traditional homes were wooden-framed and clad in wooden planks or corrugated metal.

Where is the cheapest place to live in the world?

The cheapest countries to live in the world include Pakistan, Egypt, and Bhutan, where a person needs under $400 per month to live comfortably.

Do they speak English in Iceland?

Yes, an estimated 98% of the Icelandic population can speak English. English is widely spoken in Iceland due to a combination of factors, including education and the tourism industry.

Is it easy to get a job in Iceland?

The job market in Iceland is relatively small, and it may be difficult for foreigners to find work. Unemployment is low, and there are a limited number of vacant jobs compared to the number of occupied positions.

Can I retire to Iceland from the UK?

If you want to retire in Iceland, you will eventually need a permanent residence permit, which can be applied for after living in the country continuously for four years. Before that, temporary permits may be required for shorter stays.

What is the most common job in Iceland?

The most common job in Iceland is in the service industry, particularly in tourism and hospitality, due to the country’s thriving tourism sector. Other common jobs include those in the fishing industry, healthcare, and education.

Are guns legal in Iceland?

To own a gun in Iceland, one must be at least 20 years old with no criminal record. A mental and physical health check is required, as well as character references from two people. A course on guns, gun safety, and gun and hunting laws must also
