A Break at Dawn, Starfield Mission

Posted by Noelle Montes on Monday, May 6, 2024

1. Speak to Royce at the Dawn's Roost

Sergeant Yumi at UC Security has given me another task. I'm to speak to Royce Elgin at the Dawn's Roost about a bar fight that took place earlier between two patrons. Apparently one of them is claiming the other stole their wedding ring.

Head to the Pioneer Tower located in the residential district and talk to Royce Elgin. You will learn from him where to look for the person suspected of theft.

Speak to Royce at the Dawn's Roost

2. Find Hugo Fournier at Athena Tower

I spoke to Royce Elgin at the Dawn's Roost about a bar fight that took place earlier between two patrons. He directed me to the Athena Tower residential building.

Go to the Athena Tower. This building is also located in a residential district. On the first floor, next to the elevator you will find the man mentioned by Royce. Listen to his version of what happened. You will be able to try to persuade him to give back the ring or you can let him keep the ring.

Find Hugo Fournier at Athena Tower

3. Report to Sergeant Yumi

If you have convinced Hugo to give you back the ring then the following entry will appear in your mission log.

Sergeant Yumi at UC Security has given me another task. I spoke to Royce Elgin, who directed me to the Athena Tower, where I met Hugo Fournier. I obtained the ring and should return it to Sergeant Yumi.

If Hugo kept the ring it will be such an entry.

Sergeant Yumi at UC Security has given me another task. I spoke to Royce Elgin, who directed me to the Athena Tower, where I met Hugo Fournier. After speaking to Hugo, I decided the ring was his to keep.

In either case, you just have to go back to Sergeant Yumi and report to him what you have determined. If you have the ring then you can give it back or keep it for yourself. This mission will end and you will receive 100 XP and 3300 Credits.

Report to Sergeant Yumi

Sergeant Yumi at UC Security has given me another task. I spoke to Royce Elgin, who directed me to the Athena Tower, where I met Hugo Fournier. After investigating the issue, I returned to Sergeant Yumi and gave my report.
